by Vaviya Technology


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We have launched out into the first version of the application for iOS from Japan by which you can easily check your [BIONUMBER].The [BIONUMBER] is derived from the long-selling original psychological theory named the [BIOENERGYTHEORY]. The [BIOENERGYTHEORY] was constructed by Satoru Kagawa,who has supervised this application. In this [BIOENERGYTHEORY],he succeeded in analyzing the actualized consciousness and the subconsciousness of human beings quantitatively according to one′s own birthdate, and he named the numbers which symbolize the human mind and characters the [BIONUMBER]s, for the first time in the world .
This theory has been applied on business by a variety of managers, for example, in Japan, more than ten thousand business people including managers have already made use of it.
In the [BIOENERGYTHEORY], the characters of all the human beings are classified into the 36 types. Each type consists of the 3 numbers combined from the basic units of the 6 [BIONUMBER]s.
By understanding the meaning of the [BIONUMBER]s, you can comprehend yourself and the others around you more clearly.
If you do so,[you can become aware of yourself and raise a revolution in yourself.] Furthermore, we can say [if you change your mind, you can be influenced by the people around you better.]
In this application, you can understand the [BIOENERGYTHEORY] and you can comprehend how to apply the [BIONUMBER]. Namely, you can understand in this application, 1, the explanation of the [BIOENERGYTHEORY] 2, how to use the 36 types of the [BIONUMBER]s for people.
Let's discover your ability by the [BIONUMBER]s derived from the [BIOENERGYTHEORY].
Straight dealing with this application You can use this application in the various situations where people meet together, because the enumerated characteristic data in this application are based on the results proved by the third party.
Profile: Developer of the [BIOENERGYTHEORY] Name Satoru Kagawa
In 1950 He was born in Kagawa prefecture, Japan.
In 1982 He discovered the law of the characters in human beings and constructed the [BIOENERGYTHEORY].
In 1990 He developed the Bio Energy Control System(called BECS for short)based on the [BIOENERGYTHEORY]
In 1991 He obtained the business method patent for all the system to which applied the [BIOENERGYTHEORY] in the USA.
In 1992 He established the institution on education and training for managers and executives. Since then, he has held the trainings and seminars around Japan.
In the pay version, you can register the [BIONUMBER]s in the list, and the contents will be renewed regularly.